There are so many to choose from, do you need to bring any equipment or experience and what is the difference between all the kind of surf lessons available? No worries, we’ll help you out to make the best decisions for you! There are different types of surf lessons :
- PRIVATE LESSON ; Do you want to learn how to surf fast? Then a private lesson is the best option for you. Sure, you’ll pay More0, but you’ll be up on that board in no time. Like all private classes or lesson situations, the teacher or instructor has all eyes on you. This will result in a faster learning curve and more specific training based on the students level. Do you need to have any surfing experience for a private lesson? Absolutely not! If you’re a beginner you’ll get undivided attention from your surf instructor! You’ll be standing on that board before you know it. If you’re an intermediate level surfer, you’ll be able to focus more on performing basic surfing maneuvers such as carves, cut-backs and generating speed or even choosing the right wave. *Options available.
- SEMI private LESSON : You book one instructor for you and your friend(s), partner, family.– Another way of improving your surfing quickly are semi-private lessons. Here you go out with your surf coach and one other person. So you will share your coach´s attention with only one other person. Maybe you wanna bring along your friend ? Or you can choose to go with only one other friend and see it is as a cheaper form of the private lesson. Surf lessons for more than 6 people? Get in touch and we will provide an extra instructor.
- GROUP LESSON : Group Surfing Lessons are popular for a reason. It is an affordable way to start surfing, get back into it after a long break or to find out if this adrenaline driven sport is for you. Usually you’ll be in a group of 3- 6 surf students with 1 instructor.*depends on the condition! however, This way we can provide full attention to each surfer and assure the safety of our students. Group Surfing Lessons are a good way to start surfing when you don’t have any experience or when you feel the need to refresh your surfing memory before you head back out there by yourself. Your Surf Instructor explains the basics, tells you all the instinc and outs about surfing in Tenerife and you’ll get water time to bring everything in practice. Of course under the guidance of our certified (ASI) instructors, who will keep an eye out on all students during the entire lesson and will help out where they can. Keep in mind that you won’t be the only one in the lesson, the variety of levels can be big.
- Surfing is fun, but without the right surf coach in your corner and understanding the spots or the waves, it can be dangerous! Surfing is an extreme and challenging sport. mainly due to conditions that are constantly changing! But the fact is you don’t have to worry! Surfing is not as dangerous as it seems, Surfing is good for your physical, mind, soul and body health. Many studies state that surfing can help the mental health of surfers so that it becomes a therapeutic option for treating symptoms of mental disorders and autism.
- If your question is not in our FAQ, please CLICK HERE and we will do our best to provide you with the answer.
- What is the pricing of our surf lessons?
- See our Prices page here

- We give you the surfboard you need, zinc, rash vest, water safety advice and lots and lots of waves!
- We want to make sure you have the best surf experience possible, so the timing depends on a number of factors including the tide, the wind and the size of the waves. Rest assured, depending on your level of surfing we will find the best option for you.
- Surfing is fun and easy with the coaches at Madala Bali! We will always meet you at your level, and help you understand everything you need to go, to get you standing up and riding waves as fast as possible.
- If you are a complete beginner and have never surfed before, or maybe you have surfed once or twice, it is best to start as a beginner so we can further your knowledge and take you to the next stage.
If you are able to ride green waves and feel comfortable in the lineup, then intermediate is for you! - If you are chasing extreme swells, barrels, and the best waves going around – contact us because we know all the best expert spots going around.
- There is no age limit! You can never be too old or too young. All our instructors are experts in water safety, and we love working with everyone!
- If you can’t swim, it’s probably best not to try surfing straight away. We recommend that you are at least comfortable or ableto t swim in the water before trying surfing.
- That’s what our team is for! We will explain how the ocean works, what to look out for and what to be mindful of. We’ll also make sure you only surf spots where you feel comfortable.
- A smile! We will cover your board, zinc, rash vests and all the good vibes. Just bring yourself and a big smile – we’ll take care of the rest!
- We’re very lucky in Bali to have very lovely warm water! You won’t need a wetsuit, but we’ll provide you with a rash vest so that you are sun smart in the ater.
- To answer this question we suggest that you book a 1-day beginner surf lesson as this will help you determine if you like surfing or not. If you decide that surfing is for you then you can extend your classes and book a 3, 4 or 6 day package at the discounted price. After your surf lesson on the 1st day you can speak to us and let us know if you would like to extend your course – this is totally fine for us
- CLICK HERE for Swimming Safely In Bali During our surf lessons you are being constantly supervised by our instructors.In a beginners surf lesson the deepest water level will be waist deep so you will always be able to stand.The waves that you will be learning to surf in will be small rolling waves (whitewash) across a soft sandy bottom which makes it safer to learn how to surf.
- A lot of people fear of the ocean. It can be hard to surf when you’re afraid of the sea! But there’s good news and there’s bad news: the bad news is that your fear won’t disappear overnight, and it might never completely disappear.The good news is that your fear can mostly be conquered and turned into healthy respect, which is something that is important when dealing with the ocean. With time and dedication, anyone can turn their fear of the ocean into the pure joy of surfing on four foot waves and beyond!
- CLICK HERE Swimming Safely In Bali can be hazardous but madala Surf School will provide you with the right training, supervision and equipment to help minimize the risk of injuries in a safe and secure environment. This will enable you to learn and understand the sport of surfing and have an awesome time, no matter what skill level you are.
Surfing can be a challenging sport. Some say it’s just like snowboarding but this is not quite true as the ocean is fluid while snow is essentially water in solid form. However, being able to snowboard or skateboard and having a good sense of balance is a definite bonus. We also find that people who do sports such as yoga, gymnastics and pilates. have a good sense of balance and an added advantage. But surfing is a test of wills and as much of a mental sport as it is physical. An attitude of ‘I can do it’ and ‘I won’t give up’ is a great ally when you start to learn how to surf.
for any questions about surf-lessons, package-prices, surf-trips, you need help with finding the right board and equipment, or anything else surf-related in Bali and Indonesia…please don´t hesitate : just contact
- before you started learning to surf you never wondered, but now you hear about the influences of currents, swell, the type of break and tides, on the wave conditions. All subjects that have a big influence on the type of waves you will find at various beaches and breaks
- Because we value your safety over everything and and the safety of the others surfers in the lineup, too.
Surfing (not only) in Bali… is fun, surfing is amazing, surfing is a whole universe to be discovered…
But surfing can also be dangerous. If you don´t know what you are doing, or where you are going, if you lack the proper health-mind-body-condition to match with the actual surfing-conditions… Then surfing is dangerous. Not only for you, but also for the other people in the lineup.
Too often we hear from people having traumatizing experiences, because they went out surfing with obviously irresponsible and unexperienced friends or somebody unqualified for teaching. And then sometimes people end up quitting surfing for good, because of these avoidable traumatizing experiences – How tragic is that! Surfing Bali can be hazardous but Dont Worry! MADALA SURF BALI will provide you with the right training, supervision and equipment to help minimize the risk of injuries in a safe and secure enviroment. This will enable you to learn and understand the sport of surfing and have an awesome time, no matter what skill level you are!
- we always choose the best waves for you , according to your surfing level…
There´s always a wave in Bali, somewhere… Our highly experienced surf-coaches know exactly where and when to find that wave for you. and also will make sure that you only surf the best waves in the best spots!
If you are surfing with MADALA SURF TEAM- you will be sure to get the best waves in Bali, the best waves matching your individual surfing-level.
- In every one of our classes we are providing our students with important knowledge behind surfing, knowledge about the current surf-spot you are at, the “rules” of surfing and the “surf-etiquette”. Yes, you may stand alone on your board and rip, but Remember you are not alone in the lineup: We teach our students to respect the rules in surfing, therefore other surfers and the ocean itself.
Other very helpful tools we offer for making your progress in surfing a faster one are:

Surf Lesson Bali and Surf Lesson Uluwatu
–if you like to improve your surfing faster, it is helpful to analyse photos and videos of your surfing. We will spot the weakpoints with you together and help you correct the mistakes…
if you like to receive even better footage of your surfing, we offer shooting with professional photographers …
just choose the desired option when booking within the section!!

- -surf equipment,rastguard,sun screen/zink, soft drink
If you don’t have your own board, we can provide you with a suitable one, and all other necessary equipment for your surf-lesson.
The only thing you need to bring is board-shorts/swimsuit, sun-protection and your smile.
If you are not smiling now, you will be after our classes!
- It´s super easy! Just have a look at our different classes and package-options further up & book it via the button. Or contact us for more information!
Madala surf team will get back to you soon after and figure out when and where to take you out for surfing.
- We will tell you all about the influences of currents, swell, the type of break and tides, and the wave conditions. These are all subjects that have a big influence on the type of waves you will find at various beaches and breaks. In surfing, certain rules apply, and it’s important that everyone in the line-up follows the rules. In short, be aware of other surfers, and always keep your distance.
- We try to make sure that you surf when it’s safe to do so. Trust us and our team on this one your safety is our number one priority. In Bali tides are semidiurnal, which means they take place twice a day. We have two high tides and two low tides in a day (24 hours) and find it.We use time tide chart to check high/low tides at any given location. For every spot, different swell height, sand-banks, period, wind direction and surf level, we have different favourite tides to surf on.
- We will find the right spot and right size of wave depending on your experience!